A Healthy And Embodied Masculine Man

Your ability to be a HEALTHY and embodied masculine man will be dependent on how RESILIENT and TOUGH you are WILLING to be.

Let’s just speak to two expressions or components for healthy masculinity. Sure, there are many – presence, compassion, confidence, clarity, honesty, truth, openness, vulnerability, decisiveness, introspective, magnetic, robust, adaptability, expansive, singular and so much more.

But let’s discuss two that are vital to the honouring of our truth as healthy masculine embodied persons. Toughness and resilience. Simply defined toughness is our ability to move through challenge, fear and pain. Resilience is our ability t recover from these events.

Both require focus, diligence, self-belief, an ability to be alone, an ability to lean on others and single mindedness. Toughness and resilience is what allows us to expand in to greater versions of ourselves.

Pain and challenge for the most of us and for much of our lives will be a ‘normal’ part of our existence. Our ability to quickly move THROUGH these aspects of our lives determine the quality of the lives we live, the depth of our relationships and how we ultimately feel about ourselves.

Our self-worth and the way we SEE ourselves as men can be put down to how WILLING we are to traverse the at times drudgery of life. The more willing we are to persevere and continue, to not lay down and succumb to the pressure and to choose growth over weakness means we build the muscle of TRUST.

The more experience we have of overcoming suffering, the more confidence we build within ourselves. We then move through the world less hurt and don’t carry such a need to project our pains because as men we realise that we are self-reliant.

All of these virtues are interconnected and relate to each other. When we choose to practice resilience and stand in our strength we are setting ourselves up for success in all areas and expression of life. Begin with physical strength. Practice flexing this muscle. It is tangible and visceral.

We can relate to it with great efficacy and it lays a foundation for relating to pain in a healthy and more conscious way, whilst helping us dealing with emotional discomfort and spiritual angst with greater efficacy. Move and physically challenge the body with deliberate intention, so that you can experience the five stages of evolution through pain and become more comfortable with pain and challenge through methodical exposure.

1 – Acknowledge the pain
2 – Face the pain
3 – Overcome the pain 
4 – Recover from the pain 
5 – Grow from the pain

You are ready to be the best version of yourself. Do not be afraid of pain. It is one of many pathways to greater growth and yes you can…

One is always glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



There Is Only Love

In a world where injustice has become an arbitrary term and deep, disconnected fear of connection, the ability to be authentic in lieu of being harshly judged and relational pain fills our lungs like an awful stench all we truly have is the embodiment…

From Fracture We Are Reborn

We often chastise pain in the form of fracture or confusion. We wish to eliminate doubt from our being and whilst being riddled with doubt long term is not healthy, these embodied states play a crucial role in our psychological, emotional, spiritual and social development.

These ‘broken’ states that we experience have the capacity to liberate us by shining a light of wisdom and attention to what no longer serves us and is no longer working for us.

How To Healthily And Confidently Pursue

You must know yourself, your worth, and what you offer. Get clear on your power and value. Live in your vision. Be in your purpose and choose to live that on a day to day basis. Don’t rely on another to “complete” you. You are whole, do your inner work so that you become very clear on that. You don’t “need” others to make you feel better. This energetic comes across as desperate and needy. Lead with an open and pure heart. Don’t be afraid of your honesty, what your needs are, and what you can offer. Present that with prowess.

Defining Authenticity In The Face Of Fear

A dialogue of rediscovery; Of pain and fear; Of immense confrontation; Of a complete reassessment of self; Of a reconfiguration of the entirety of my being; Of the mute darkness of the unknown; Of the mystery that is the endless micro chasm…

Sacred Sexual Union


When we are having sex we are literally INSIDE of another human being. This level of intimacy at a physical level is profound. It can open every other faculty of being we have access to.

For this degree of sacredness to exist, we must both exist. For the feminine body to feel safe to be this exposed & open she must trust. To be trustworthy, we must fully open as men & be transparent.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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