You Cheated – Do You Tell?

Are you asking yourself: “What kind of question is this?”. I asked myself the same question for TOO MANY years, until I came face to face with a rude abruption of life that was so painful, I had no choice but to look deeply at my life and all that I was being.

For me, it was about being honest with what was driving my actions and behaviour. It was peeking beyond the superficial, the surface level and the facade of my expression and choosing to go deeper in to my unconscious and unchecked pain and my fears.

I spent years dishonouring myself and disrespecting others. I hurt those I loved with hyper-selfish and fear driven behaviour that caused distance and isolation, friction and tension, blame and shame.

To live like this is to live in destitute and disconnection. We play with our lives and the lives of others. Do you tell the person you have committed to that you have cheated? Yes, absolutely. Why? Because the truth does not set us free.

The truth, however provides us with a foundation and platform to leap from and cultivate our own version of integrated and authentic connection and real intimacy (we all yearn for intimacy). If we continue to live in lies, we force more lies, deeper facade, and more distance.

When we cease to live in lies, we embrace the possibility of authentic truth and what I call vertical vulnerability. This vertical vulnerability allows us to be confident, certain and clear in our posture.

We become willing, involved and present to all of life. Importantly, we allow others to choose a path based on facts, not bullshit, not fear and not false promises based on a version of self that is connected to fear and internal shadow based and hidden suffering.

To carry this willingness to express and communicate our truth no matter what perceived pain may come with it will not outweigh the pain of living a continual life and false existence predicated upon what we are not as opposed to what we truly are.

When we choose (consciously or unconsciously) to dishonour others we owe it to them and to the evolution of our own growth to show up to that in truth and self-belief. Often, the most difficult conversations are the ones that liberate us profoundly.

I ask you, what is your story around telling lies? Share below…

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



What Do You Truly Value In Relationship?

The traits that are attractive and appealing when dating are different to the traits needed when maintaining a meaningful and long-term relationship.

This is not to say that what we were initially attracted to doesn’t still apply years later. It most definitely does. When we first meet we are yearning for passion, excitement, we often value an outgoing personality, confidence, and the spontaneous pursuit and chase of discovering the novelty of each other.

To Ravage and Ravish

See beyond man and woman for a moment.

You want to ravage and ravish the feminine in your life… Then be safety, be heart-centered presence, be consistent, be that container you are meant to be.

For the feminine to open herself up, to flower to you, to show herself fully the masculine must meet her where she is. The masculine must learn to lead that dance.

Gender Reverence

When we choose to see, feel and interact beyond the normative lens of segregation we grow. This does not mean we do not value difference – biological, social, cultural, behavioural, relational, neurological, hormonal, etc. It means though, that we do not discriminate, bias towards or subjugate on prima-facie value based on obvious or subtle physical or ideological differences.

The Illusion of Awakening: Navigating a Divided World

In our quest for acceptance and belonging, we inadvertently perpetuate judgment and segregation. The world appears “woke,” yet it remains far from truly awakened. We are consumed with how we are perceived, and political correctness has spiraled out of control, while appeasement reigns supreme. But are we truly uniting in healthy ways, or merely succumbing to coercive measures?

Acknowledge Your Pain

There is no shame in acknowledging our pain.

When man hides his grief with anger we all suffer. I was excessively angry for so long. Blaming others for my repeated “misfortunes”, snapping at those I loved and hating on everything that went “wrong” in my life.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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