Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

Today’s Modern Warrior

In a world of dysmorphic alpha males that are attached to polarized and unhealthy expressive states of being, something needs to give…

We tend to think that there are either alpha or beta males – firstly, this line of thinking is limiting (does alpha even truly exist???? And secondly, we have an opportunity to redefine what it means to be an ‘alpha’ male…

To be an alpha male in today’s world means to be conscientious. This level of awareness and clarity lays the foundations for who we are to become as men

Our social status and how we are received and perceived is defined by how we treat ourselves and others. To dominate, over power and be autocratic is self-serving. We needn’t do, nor be this in order be a strong male. Blind self-interest does not add value to the collective.

We need clarity and conscientiousness. When we are confident in who we are as men, we needn’t be forceful or abhorrent. We can still maintain a warrior spirit, be solid, vertical, trustworthy, stable and safe, pursue and protect what we value and be present to life without being fearful of ‘losing’.

When we define ourselves purely by hierarchy and our worth being based on performance against other men and society and this becomes our obsession – our behaviors align with this ‘win at any cost’ ethos and we become abhorrent, violent and oppressive at the extreme ends.

We can still ‘be’ powerful by being confident in ourselves, trusting who we are, knowing our worth and allowing part of our warrior spirit to be full of heart.

Courage, certainty, peak physical performance, humility, grace, leadership, focus, determination, the learned man, integrity, quiet observation, the ability to fight for what one believes in, trustworthiness, respectfulness, wisdom and so much more still define the alpha male – we simply remove the internalized and socialized fear/s that drives the extreme behavior that many alpha males are categorized by…

Today’s alpha male must be mindful, protect what he idealizes, values and believes through an empowered, grateful yet focused mindset. Through adaptive intelligence and integrated strength the alpha male demonstrates prowess through presence and an unwavering attitude.

Clarity of mind, simplicity in being, openness in heart. The alpha male of today must be integrated, adaptive, robust, know who they are and what they want – pursue and embody that whilst considering others. The alpha male of tomorrow cares deeply and knows intrinsically the value of chivalry

This is the balanced path of the evolved man…

Today discover more go to

One is always glad to be of service.


Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker
Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

Man – Starter Of Worlds

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