The Remarkable Nature Of The Modern Queen


Of late I have been contemplating deeply the beautiful women I am surrounded by and that are entering my sphere of awareness.

The vast women carrying so much depth, wisdom, reverence for men and clarified maturity who are entering my perception is humbling.

There are women that are emerging honouring and revering, trusting and respecting the aware and healthy masculine that rising.

This is a tribute to acknowledge the minority (yet rising) that you occupy. To acknowledge your courage and presence in this space.

The manner in which you are honouring the men of today that are conscious of their actions and not crucifying the masculine collective (past and present) for what has transpired.

Your open heart, forgiveness, compassion, deep and innate wisdom being tapped in to is profound, humbling and awe-inspiring. 

On behalf of the collective masculine presence, we thank you for your patience, your insight and your ability to view what is evolving as something constructive and growth promoting. 

The unity consciousness you / we are promoting is breathtaking. This is what will unite us, bond is and unify us. 

This recognizing of us requiring to merge. To forgive, accept, assume responsibility and grow together is what will liberate us from holding on to past trauma and pain.

Yes, there is more than just this. We have to ‘work’ together. Put in deep effort, admit, forgive, own, feel, hold, breathe, be present to and surrender.

But with deliberate and open intention we can. Together, we can move past failed systems, dysfunctional relationships, systemic prejudices, disconnected cultural connections and implicit fears. 

I cannot thank you enough for what you are pioneering, innovating and the space you are holding when you have many reasons not to. 

You intrinsically know that to ostracize, Lolita and hold against will only cause further disparity. 

To forgive the past and present is a f*****g massive undertaking. The admiration and honour I have for you is immense.

Thank you for trusting us, believing in us and seeing our truth and potential. Knowing well that we may not live that potential but knowing also if you surrender, forgive, hold and be open that we very well may.

And it is here where and when actualizes his potential that he may serve the queens of this earth with dignity and grace – the inner queen, the beloved, every woman and Gaia. 


One is always glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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