Sexuality Is a Frequency That Represents YOU

Most sex is just unconscious, mutual masturbation trying to relieve our pain and shame. Conscious sexuality is about the merging of ALL that we are and saying “here I am, take all of me, as I accept all of me and welcome all of you”…

When was the last time you really surrendered to sex? To your own body? To fully accept yourself for who you are and share that moment with another?

When was the last time you were there for them and not for your own quick-fix, peak experience? Nothing wrong with quick, hard physical release-based sex, but if that is all we are having are we missing something? Are we running this human experience in a limited range of expression?

Many of the fears you carry and false perceptions of self are based on what you have co-created, what has been done to you (the power you have lost or given away) and what you have done to others in your sexual life.

Your sexual history affects all of who you are. Your body feels this and acts from this place. You’ll avoid this because it is too painful, and you judge it because you think it is your fault and that you are bad.

Stop judging, start feeling and allow yourself to forgive. Now, your sex doesn’t become a vehicle to forget, but rather a place where you can explore, expand and feel safe.

I hear that you have perhaps violated others and you have been violated. Holding onto this and trying to forget it by running from it through suppression or promiscuity is only reinforcing this sense of unworthiness. You are worthy!

Understand that you are here to release what no longer serves you and to embrace all of you. At the moment, you are bringing portions of yourself to your sex. The sex is fragmented and fractured because you don’t feel whole, nor do you believe in your wholeness.

Sexuality is a frequency that represents all of you. Your identity has been forged through the crucible of the totality of all of your experiences. Denying this denies your eternal right to cosmic ecstasy. Own all of you, to experience all of you through yourself and the others.

Feel me???

One is glad to be of service.

Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



A Man’s Worth

I once thought that my worth as a man was derived from my title, status, what I accumulated and what I DID in the world. I honestly believed that the only way to feel worthy was defined by what I had, not who I am.

Why ‘One Is Glad To Be Of Service’

Many years ago, I watched a beautiful movie called Bicentennial Man with Robin Williams. An unfolding and beautiful story about an AI Robot who is an enigma and somehow carries consciousness, awareness and metacognition. The journey unravels that he continues to grow and wishes to ‘BE-come’ human. What does it mean to be human?

Embracing differences

We speak to the differences in men and women not to segregate but to celebrate. This celebration allows us to honor ourselves and each other. The truth is we are in this together.

Divine Union is something that can only flourish when polarity is felt to be merged. When sacred masculine deliberate intention meets sacred feminine compassion and opening.

The Paradigm of Emotional Intelligence in Modern Masculinity

The contemporary woman – a profoundly interconnected, intellectual, and superior entity – seeks a companion who mirrors her emotional depth and self-awareness. She is unlikely to accommodate a man persistently detached from his feelings and self-understanding. It is crucial to note that her ideal partner isn’t just an outwardly expressive, emotionally open individual; instead, he displays intelligent emotional articulation, constituting a pivotal element of a healthy, modern man.

Judgment, Disgust & An Open Heart – Expression In Intimate Relationship

Judgement is a tool for separation, for denial of the wholeness of what we are. In intimate relationship judgement hinders our ability to connect openly and lovingly.


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