We All Have Stories

I was beaten…

I was loved…

I was made to feel paralysing fear…

I had food, shelter and warmth…

I was shamed when I was “wrong”…

I was attended to…

I was abandoned…

I gave love and never received anything back…

I took love selfishly…

I was allowed to just be…

I was told I wasn’t good enough…

I was ignored…

I was allowed…

I was bullied…

I bullied…

I was forgotten about…

I was held when I was sad…

I was given real opportunities…

I felt so lost…

I lashed out to the world…

I was deeply dishonest…

I numbed, suppressed and forgot my pain

And the list goes on and on and on and on…

We all have stories… We all have a past. Most of our pasts are less lopsided than we think.

Amidst the chaos, confusion and the volatility exists a place where there is at the least; some peace. My past and childhood at large weren’t pretty… Many of us share similar pasts.

I was beaten, abused, ignored, shamed, grew up in volatility and fear. As a young father, he was narcissistic and a tyrant. He didn’t know how to control his anger and he lashed out at his family. As a child, this was terrifying. As an adult, it hardened me, made me wiser and resilient (but not before moving through the gauntlet of pain). I moved through anger, projections, my own demons, feeling full and the forgiveness as an adult before I was able to see he did what he could with what he had…

AND… There were times of pure intention. Where I just for a moment I felt freedom. That time just before drifting to sleep, the times I was with my grandparents and I knew I was safe, that split moment before sleep… Yes, peacefulness and not a worry in the world.

These moments exist in our lives for all of us (even if they are few and far between). We all have stories… What are your moments of peace and connection? 

This is NOT a story of pity, more of opportunity and connection… We all have stories… And NO ONE is discounting yours… AND How will you rewrite what no longer serves you…??? 

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Masculine Sexual Complexity

I spent many years not having a very healthy relationship to sexuality – the act itself, my sexual projections and my sexual essence. I used sex as a means to validate my worthiness and how I viewed myself. The truth is I manipulated the art of sexuality to attempt to fill a void that was not fillable.

This was the case because I was living from fear and using sexuality, external desirability, and the quantity of sex as a measuring tool for self-worry. Yes, it was about hedonistic self-gratifying pleasure and it was also a scream for intimacy and connection.

10 Ways Spirituality Will Save Your Relationship – Part I

Practicing spiritual principles of being and interacting in our relationships is effectively drawing us away from toxic relationships and leading us towards CONSCIOUS RELATIONSHIPS. This article will demonstrate the power of conscious spirituality in a relationship…

Go Deep To Go Far

There is so much superficial shit out there. The problem isn’t superficiality, the ‘puzzle’ (as opposed to the problem) is we remain in the superficial for too long. We are too scared to venture into the deep (we will come back around to this).

The superficial is actually healthy and a place where we can find common ground. Imagine being on a date – getting to know someone and your first question is: “so tell me your deepest childhood trauma”?

The Expansive Masculine

When my mother sent me some old pictures of when I was child, my heart opened and memories came flooding back to me. I saw an innocent little boy with a massive smile on his face.

Yet the happy times were outweighed massively by the sadness and fear I experienced. Overtime that little boy learned that closing down his heart was the best way to protect himself. Then he grew up to be a man that was shut down because of a his pain.

Symbiotic Mirroring In The Beloved

When we move towards being open enough to love we begin to experience relationship in the most profound of ways. We define sacred union as a cosmic bond that allows us to merge in to each other in such a way that in the other we see ourselves…


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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