Embracing differences

We speak to the differences in men and women not to segregate but to celebrate. This celebration allows us to honour ourselves and each other. The truth is we are in this together.

Divine Union is something that can only flourish when polarity is felt to be merged. When sacred masculine deliberate intention meets sacred feminine compassion and opening.

This occurs both within the sovereign self and outside of the self, mirrored by our divine counterparts. Yes, our needs are different. Yes, we carry different wounding. Yes, an apology on many levels is required and yes, we need each other to thrive.

Why? Because we all share something in common. The need to be witnessed and to witness others. This sacred act is what liberates us from our restrictions and it’s one of the most challenges shades of our humanity.

We are relational beings ready to meet each other where we are. We are scared and we are now unravelling that fear and choosing a divine union.

The feminine is no more important than the masculine and the masculine no more valuable than the feminine. We need each other as reflective honest mirrors and torches to shine the bright light of sacred truth on the parts of our souls that we are unwilling to see and feel.

To hold each other with compassion and empathy, loving-kindness and radical acceptance whilst we come to terms with the parts of us that scare us and that we perceive to detest. To help us live all of us.

Embracing our differences whilst celebrating our oneness is what will free us from the ignorance that we separate. Yes, we need to do our sovereign and individual work as we are RELEARNING to come back together.

The fire of the masculine must be witnessed by the familiar masculine in order for it to feel safe to be expressed. Like the feminine must be held by her sisters as she opens her closed heart.

Now we may come together in a deeper Union as we transcend our self-imposed limitations. The time for “together” work is dawning. I welcome this and the transition is happening and our sovereign work will still always be needed.

There is something sacred about being seen by what’s truly familiar to you as there is something sacred about being witnessed by all.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Fullest Expression

There comes a time when we realize we are more than just how we express in to the world.

There is a fine line between giving, receiving, observing and being active in our action taking.

This recognizing of who we are at depth, whilst recognizing the intricate layers that we are made of frees us from the pain of limited expression and rigid posturing.

The Pain Of Change – The Pain Of Control

Most recently I have experienced the pain of change, difference, the unknown and the difficulty that comes with not knowing if life will play out as I wish or foresee it to you.

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Breathe… We hear this all the time. What does it mean? Breathing deliberately with intention helps us grow, be healthier and simply put overall better at life…
Breath literally saved my life. Having experienced physical and emotional abuse, abandonment and volatility as a child my nervous system were conditioned for pain and tension.

Better OUT than IN

My beautiful grandmother would tell me to never hold farts in. In Italian, she would say often “Always out, never in.” I remember this distinctly, and then she would burp and I would laugh hysterically. She was the best! I then would run around farting and get excited to go to the toilet haha! I now often think about the real life implications of ‘out’.

Experiencing The Father Wound As An Adult

The father wound can show up in all of us. The father wound refers to father absenteeism, whether both emotionally and/or physically, and/or your father being very critical, negative, and even abusive character, can impact you and your adult intimate relationships.


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