The Perpetual Taking

To take consciously is to give abundantly…

For a man to be adored by his woman means the cosmos to him. For a man to be loved, sincerely cared, seen and nurtured allows him to burst into thriving into the universe – amplifying his power.

For a woman to be witnessed, served and known for who she is and the gifts she bares into this world is liberating. For a man to support and hear his woman frees her expression wildly. For a man to be non-judgmental is opening for his woman.

For man not to feel rejected nor devalued is freeing to his spirit. Rather than retracting his expands. He feels empowered and safe to be himself. When man perceives himself to be held by the heart of his woman he is confident and strong.

When a woman speaks her truth and man listens, a woman feels known fully in her dance. When man is attentive and serves the higher good and the needs of his woman he becomes realized.

When woman allows man to serve, honor and revere her man feels greater accomplished. And when man is courageous to traverse the shadow with an authentic leadership of sovereignty he becomes dignified and his woman cultivates deeper trust.

When man is safe, woman is loud. When man is oppressive, man becomes minimized in actualized potential and woman becomes withdrawn.

When sexual union is connected, open, real, transparent and present two souls become ‘three’, two hearts feel the same cosmic beat and the physical play of intertwining bodies becomes blissful, sensual and connected.

There is a dance. This dance of mutual desire is powerfully liberating when two beings are present to each other’s needs, fears, traumas and joys.

The next wave of consciousness resides in the realm of conscious sacred union. Our hearts will expand, our conscious will explode into the stratosphere, our bodies will up-level. We are ready.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



The Real You

We want others to believe in us. We want to feel needed and be seen. We want others to understand us and love us for who we are, yet we seldom show our ‘true colours’.

We want the world and are often simply delivered an atlas. We do a great job of blaming and shaming the world around us for this and not getting out way.

Men Will Only Play If They Think They Can Win

Why do men hate to lose and why do we live and love to win? On the surface it may appear to be a volatile feeding frenzy and this may be so. Men fight to be dominate, to be number and to be on top. And we also take in to account what is best for our group at that time. We ultimate hate being conquered and find it humiliating when we are – this ethos applies to both the individual self and the primary group by which we find ourselves a part of.

The Familiar Body

We may try, but to explain is futile. We may try, but the only path to take is that of embodiment and immersion…

There is the body that is so familiar that our glands swell, our mind races, our vision blurs, our blood flow increases and our heart rate accelerates.

Integrated ‘Guilt-Free’ Happiness

We at times deny ourselves of happiness – do we deserve it, does it belong in our realm of consciousness, guilt arises tapping in to the collective, we feel bad because those we love do not feel happiness and more reasons why feeling joy is ‘wrong’.

How can we truly be happy with who we are? How can we truly be happy without guilt? The insight in to this is quite simple…

The Privilege Of ‘Taking’

How can we take? What does it mean to ‘take’? Why does it matter? True and authentic taking is trust in motion. Taking from a place of connection, transparency, empowerment and surrender can only occur when there are equitable power balances in play.


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