The Giving Of The Cosmic Heart

“I have ‘seen’ it all and in seeing it all, I fear no-thing or no-one”.

It is only in recognizing the value of living that we may bow in sublime reverence to love and the open heart of presence.

We all emerge, expand and merge from the same source of life. That source is the infinite tonal beat of the cosmic heart.

The very same life force that permeates every cell in our bodies is responsible for the stars being born.

Yet, we deny the cosmic heart of experiencing love. We fear that which we perceive we may lose, therefore we retract before ever even being able to give.

In order to prepare fully for this reciprocated opening, each beloved must give themselves unknowingly fully to the path less travelled.

We must succumb to being pummelled, beaten, stirred, disorientated and redirected. We must be comfortable with the unexpected and we must surrender to the mystery of the unknown itself.

This journey is one of courage, boldness, presence and willingness. Without this concocted recipe the possibility of ‘thriving’ and expanding, let only surviving is dim.

To tremble in fear, to retreat, to minimise, retract and hide will only perpetuate that which we have always received – ‘unconscious emptiness’, distance and isolation.

We are more than this. We have asked for confrontation of all that we are through the connected lens of the beloved. An illumination of our ‘dark spots’ has been requested.

Yet, when it arrives we meet it with disdain, futile projection, accusation and fear. The cosmic heart does not resist the present, nor the fullness of expressive aptitude.

The giving and trusting nature of our open hearts live in the space of generous grace and divine synchronicity. There is no relentless need to understand or know. Trust is prevalent as we traverse the unknown.

Intelligent hope reigns supreme and presence is undeniable. So, we realise that this is all of life’s intertwining journey. We step forward together. Giving of ourselves and to each other like never before.

We are all in. No more ‘half-way living’. We are ready to risk it all in order to receive it all. In order to receive it all, we realise we must give It all.

Then silence and stillness. We are here with no expectation. We are just here. Anticipated in posture and attentive in presence. We know that in this stillness we are fully revealed.

We are not fearful of what we may see or what may be seen. There is no judgment and harsh compartmentalisation of other or self with the giving of the cosmic heart.

We are not consumed with incessant worry around ‘enough-ness’. We trust, we feel, we know the cosmic heart is all there is and all there needs to be.

We wish to be lost. To be lost in the giving and the receiving as we blend souls, amalgamate the essence of each other – the yuk, the transcendent, the human, the spirit… It is all one in the same…

We may experience being dishevelled, however we will still awash on the shore of love, not being caught in the illusion of imperfection, because we have realised that perfection is us and we are perfection.

And now, we shall surrender in passionate embrace to the exquisite nature of unsaturated and divine love. And so it is… That the giving of the cosmic heart transpires.

The tsunami of divine love awaits your invitation. Your cosmic heart is beating within you. Are you ready to emerge, expand and merge in to unity consciousness with your beloved, with yourself and with life itself?

One is always glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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