Learn to say NO

…and at times YES… To really say no is one of the most challenging practices.

I was practicing yoga this morning and the Jogan instructed us that she would be coming around to make manual adjustments and them at if anyone was not wanting to be touched to simply raise their right leg as we were in Adhomukha śvānāsana (downward dog).

No one raised their leg and it got me thinking. How often do we speak our truth? How often do we really express how we feel? In a class of 40 people how confident would you be to say no, if you did not want to be adjusted?

Something as simple as honoring our personal space can often be so difficult. We want to be different enough to be noticed (validated, understood, seen), but not too different that we are ostracized or placed in the ‘out group’.

How often do you honor your no for the sake of your own needs and not be attached to what others may think of you or how they may react? In my life I have largely oscillated between either keeping completely quiet and withdrawing when I want to vocalize my truth or if I do express its in an extreme manner.

I am still learning to strike that harmonious balance and not take personally someone’s reaction to my truth – to my no. And to also not take personally if someone says no to me. We feel that sometimes. Our ego’s hurt, we think we are being attached and we revert and regress to often mal-adaptive or compensatory coping strategies developed as a child that are not really effective as an adult.

We come from past wounding and we want to appease the status quo. I spent so much of my life appeasing those I loved and retaliating to those I did not as an outlet for my repressed anger. I justified it in every way possible.

But really, it was because I didn’t value my inner guidance. I couldn’t say no when I needed to and yes when I really wanted to because my self-worth was shot. That was part of my story. Yours may be different, however I urge you to look deep within you and ask yourself:

“Am I truly honoring my needs in this moment, irrespective of what others are doing or not doing?”

One is always glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Signs You Are In Your Shadow Masculine

This energy, which applies to both men and women is less about gender and more about expression in this specific context. We talk about these traits in “masculine” terms because they are associated with that contrasted energetic expression. We can use other terms such as: “go energy” or “do energy”. These energies are vital for us but when extreme like anything becomes unhealthy.

A Strong NO Means The YES Carries Greater Substance

We are often so afraid of our no’s. We are afraid to be seen as perhaps going against the grain, letting others down, being seen a certain way or perhaps there is a fear of a backlash – rejection, humiliation, abandonment at the deepest roots of our fears.

The Sacred Invitation

There is something magnificent about the human gaze… Particularly that of a woman. She is able to show so much of who she is, what has been and what will be.

As men, it is an honour to witness the sacredness of the gaze. This invitation into the soul and essence of a woman’s world liberate us from overthinking.

Are You Desirable?

Now more than ever I feel deeply connected to the core of who I and appreciate deeply what I bring to the world, but it has not always been this way. I struggled as a child to know myself and to be comfortable to show ‘the real me’ in front of others.

Hug Like You Mean It

Embrace your beloved as if this is the first and last moment you will share. In embracing with complete presence we release inhibition, judgement, self-constraint, self-consciousness and unchecked fear/s.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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