The Familiar Body

We may try, but to explain is futile. We may try, but the only path to take is that of embodiment and immersion…

There is the body that is so familiar that our glands swell, our mind races, our vision blurs, our blood flow increases and our heart rate accelerates.

There is the body that is so familiar that the thought of intimate contact is enough to bring us to our knees.

There is the body that is so familiar that for that body to be missing from us is like our soul being shattered in to a billion pieces.

There is the body that is so familiar that to watch it pass us is elegance in motion.

There is the body that is so familiar that to be in its presence is a bundled gift and an honor.

There is the body that is so familiar that when seen extends such glory in to the heart of the seer that time, life and all that we know ceases to exist.

There is the body that is so familiar that the thought of intimate invitation revels excitement beyond measure.

There is the body that is so familiar that with every caress, every brush and every touch our soul expands and our spirit shudders with ecstasy.

There is the body that is so familiar that palpitations of the eternal heart become the norm.

There is the body that is so familiar that the longing to be close burns and etches in the undying mind.

There is the body that is so familiar that the the yearning for its closeness, its softness, its warmth and its touch is undeniable.

There is the body that is so familiar that the enduring longing to be intertwined in sacred union outlasts, outweighs and out defines any form or construct known to the conscious mind.

There is the body that is so familiar that there is a timelessness in the movement of such eloquent beauty. 

There is the body that is so familiar that beyond body, there is soul, there is heart and there is perpetual presence.

There is the body that is so familiar that once tasted, once experienced and once journeyed in to the chasms of the immortal one can never return.

There is the body that is so familiar that without word, without gesture and with only the gaze of the sincere may one be consumed, merged and integrated in cosmic consciousness.

There is the body that is so familiar that when in union it is like two worlds colliding and dissolving in to each other. Where two become one be one three.

If we may only reach this state of deepened, yet heightened appreciation we may find ourselves living in awe and rapture of what is our greatest human endeavour. Meaningful connection beyond that of the spoken word…

One is always glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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Desire and Be Intimate Together

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Is Your Intensity Coming From Insecurity?

Are you chasing him or her because you think ‘they are the one’ and you can’t do any better? Are you giving ALL of yourself to another and minimizing your needs? Are you placing the power of decision in the palms of another because you don’t back yourself?

Are you intense in your emotions because you feel out of control? Are you desperate because you believe you are unworthy of love? Are you needy because you can’t meet your own needs for love, validation and security? What drives the intensity in your being?


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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