The Time Of The Sacred Mother

Men, when we revere the mother, we are honoring a sacred part of our lineage. A tribute to the mother is an honoring of life…

I have been blessed to witness and directly experience many different mother energies in my life. I thank deeply the nurturing I have received from my mother, grandmothers, Mother Earth and all other mother figures who I have been blessed enough to be graced by their wisdom, beauty and presence. Thank you.

The time of the mother archetype is a period of self-actualised creativity, which is manifested either as being a mother or being creative in other areas of life and self-expression.

The Mother chooses her life path, surrenders to it deeply as well as invests her whole self in it. The mother is also responsible for her path, actualizing the vision she has outlined previously as a maiden.

A strong sense of self, developed by the maiden, is now learning humility, understanding and selflessness in accomplishing her life mission. As men, being a powerful witness to this is crucial.

Knowing this as a man allows you to gain greater clarity in to where the woman in your life finds herself, how she relates to the world and what her focuses are. 
Intense emotions, experienced during childbirth and motherhood, it is imperative that the masculine contributes to providing optimal conditions for the child’s development.

The shift in consciousness that takes place with a woman’s first experience with motherhood is one of the most powerful in life and if we miss the opportunity to relate here, we miss the opportunity to truly honour the process of giving life.

Spiritually, the period of the mother is a time of the journeying woman. Giving birth, literally or metaphorically, teaches the deeper meaning of surrender for women – this does not mean that as men we may take advantage of the deep compassion cultivated here and this is where depth of reverence is to be exhibited.

The mother learns responsibility, empathy connectedness and compassion, which are consistently being challenged and tested. When the archetype of the mother blossoms out fully, a woman experiences an intense transformational shift from self to selfless compassion for another human being. As men, we must be aware of this beautiful transition.

For some women, this phase is about a contact with spiritual awareness and connectedness, as a woman’s ego faces the challenges of humility, serving creativity and love/ she will require support and care.

As men can we play our role? Can you be aware of this stage and offer that support with an open heart? The mother is embarking on a path of discovering the wisdom that awaits her next revolution of life.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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