The Passage Of Manhood

“A message to men for all – of course this applies to all of us. Divine Women, please know the intricacies of this journey so that you may be served also by the deep growth of men.”

As we stand at the precipice (and there are many) of transformation – as men, we have two options. Retreat in to ignorance and internalised division or face or demons, or pains, apprehensions, doubts, turmoil, judgement and fears with grace, patience and persistence.

To be overcast with fear, with the shadow of darkness, the unknown, the painful, the disconnection of isolation can be daunting, confronting and it can break us Here, young men must be guided and lead by men who have ‘done the work’, embraced the journey and are familiar with the temporary struggle.

To immerse in inner stillness and silence – to hear them loudly the call to ‘wholeness’. To commit to a path of inner work and truth seeking means to be open to potentially multiple ‘ego deaths’ (the defining of self).

To immerse in this space is a commitment to growth, humanity, life, love, integrity in self and the authentic path. This translate to observing closely every facet of our being, every extension of our expression and every layer of our thinking, personality, character and behaviours.

To observe and understand our neural patterning, the manner in which we relate to ourselves, others, the world, ideas, beliefs and our own purpose. To do this with diligence, care and consideration for those we love.

To face adversity and sit with all that we are, have been and will be – to own our darkness, YES! To contemplate deeply the essence of our shadow and the essence of our wholeness.

To not negate, segregate, divide or suppress aspects of who we are, but rather, to merge, allow, receive and co-create in harmony, unity and authentic power.

To stand in front of demons and be open to receiving the ‘message’, the wisdom embedded in the pain. To remain vertical, calm and stoic in presence. Does this mean we cannot falter, break, succumb to fear, pain or doubt.

Not at all. It simply means we embrace every felt state, we feel fully and we allow openly and then when we are ready we once again face what we must in order to grow, transmute and expand.

To be a man means many things. Begin by observing, feeling, assessing. Ask your own self; ‘what does it mean to be a man’?, ask those you trust and revere; ‘what does it mean to be a man’?, ask your beloved; ‘what does it mean to be a man’?.

Observe, take in, reflect upon, be introspective with, connect to, feel and be with your own manhood. You choose, you are empowered, you are connected to the source of your power – own this.

Only you know what it means to be a man. However, it begins with wholeness. It begins with acknowledgement of your capacity and brilliance. It is essential our young men embark on this journey of wholeness, inclusivity and connection as early as possible in order to be the men they need to be – healthy, open and inclusive.

And it ends with variance in this space. It ends with discarding the version of manhood that is segregating, divisive, abhorrent, blind, exclusive, judgemental and not willing ‘to do the work’ and face one’s demons.

Show up, be in a process of equilibration and inner harmony by being open to transmutation of the unhealthy parts that no longer serve. You are deserving, you are ready, you are here.

One is always glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



Perceived Permanency of Pain

Don’t hold on to the perceived permanency of your pain

We get so caught up in our pain at times that we forget how impermanent and temporal life can be. Don’t be so attached to the temporary. Know that whatever you’re experiencing carries a use by date.

The Sacred Art Of Creative Seduction

To seduce deeply we must know & importantly feel ourselves and what we desire. So many of us attempt to love in the world but are pulled away from our sexual desires.

We are so disconnected from our needs. So shamed for who we are, what we want and what we need in this human-spiritual form.

Go Deep To Go Far

There is so much superficial shit out there. The problem isn’t superficiality, the ‘puzzle’ (as opposed to the problem) is we remain in the superficial for too long. We are too scared to venture into the deep (we will come back around to this).

The superficial is actually healthy and a place where we can find common ground. Imagine being on a date – getting to know someone and your first question is: “so tell me your deepest childhood trauma”?

Debunking 5 Myths Around Being a Man

Whilst there are many ideas around what it means to be masculine and what it means to be a man in today’s world, many of them are either based on outdated cultural norms or are distorted and unrealistic. Why? Because, we are placing far too much emphasis on what man ‘should’ be in an idealistic sense and not actually placing attention on the gifts of man.

Excuses Are Not Masculine

When we make excuses we negate responsibility and therefore defuse our power. This is unattractive and makes us as men untrustworthy.

Recently having facilitated hundreds of men through deep transformational and explorative work I realized profoundly that our excuses are holding us back from intimacy and connection – to be seen and to witness.


Complete this assessment to uncover the exact blocks preventing you from attracting and experiencing the love and intimacy you truly desire

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