Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

Expressive Connection

We yearn, we wish, we feel, we ‘know’, we dream, we envision, we care, we want, we desire, we need – yet we refrain. We hold back, we retract, we restrict, we constrict and we live in and from unconscious and patterned fears. Why?

For the most part we do not ‘know’ any different, any better and we are afraid to experience the unfamiliar. We are afraid to venture in to the unknown. The unknown scares us, so we refrain from expressing our inner most deepest truths. We hold back from giving ourselves because the fear of being hurt is overwhelming.

We live a mediocre, disconnected life. A life that does not venture in to what matters. We cease to challenge ourselves and the oppressive force of silencing our authentic nature debilitates our capacity to connect meaningfully and lovingly.

This is sad. There are so many beautiful souls who wish to give and receive openly and in transparent revealing and vulnerability. How can we give and allow ourselves to feel fully the love and sincere care of another if we are stuck in a perpetual cycle of pain, suffering and repetitive fear? We cannot.

We limit the quality of our life experiences, we find ourselves pulling back from life, not giving our all and not being present to life. Life becomes dull, distant and we find ourselves lacking conscious relationships and intimate connections. Our ability to be vulnerable lessens, therefore, limiting our sharing with those we care about.

There is however an opportunity to ‘reverse’ all of this and to live an abundant life of sharing, being, connecting and loving. A life that is worthy of embodiment, embracement and connection. When we realise our worth, when we realise our empowered ability to break patterns of fear and limitations and leap in to a space of sacred union with self – we begin to embody truthful transformation.

Here, we learn to give to others, to unite differently. From a healthy place of being. In this state we are free from the limitations of the past, we actively choose to release pain, fear and the burden of not being enough. We grow with challenge and we welcome the unknown. Here, in this space the quality of our intimate connections deepen and our ability to love expands.

Our heart opens and it becomes about authentic expression, life becomes about service, non-attached service and trust. We express in order to feel. We express because it is the ‘right’ thing to do. We are not attached to an outcome. Today, tomorrow and for the rest of your life, if you feel some-THING within, express and be not attached to how another may respond but rather, speak, embody and be because it serves your highest truth. This is evolution – this is expansion.

One is always glad to be of service.

Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker
Stef Sifandos
Relational Alchemist, Community Builder & Changemaker

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