A New Way To Look At Anger

When we pursue what we value with tenacity, unparalleled focus and a mindset of resilience we learn more about ourselves, our capacity and our power than almost any other means of self-discovery.

Let’s redefine aggression for a moment. Let’s look at aggression as inspired relentlessness. It’s a fuel source that sources our highest expression in to the world. Now, raw aggression in times of absolute survival is a different concept.

Let’s take the energy, essence and momentum of this raw aggression (fight mode) and bring that in that which we love minus the harm and protect at any cost. When we do this we harnessing tremendous creative power.

Must we be ‘aggressive’ all of the time in relation to our creativity and passions? No, it’s simply one modality of being in the world. The issue is the essence of raw aggression is under-utilized because there is an immediate association with harm.

It leaves an ill taste on our mouths. It’s an extreme expression, however! If we remove the intent of survival, self-preservation and protection at any cost and leverage the momentum of this power for creative use we change the world.

In the past and presently aggression is immediately associated with violence and oppression and in most cases that would be correct. I’m asking us to reframe and redirect. There is great freedom, evolution and revelation in this.

More importantly, we transform ourselves…. okay, so how do we channel this power? How do we transmute it in to a constructive force, you may ask? Simple, it comes down to three things.

1… Know yourself – know how you react, respond, your beliefs that underpin your actions, your why, your willingness to traverse difficulty, what are your values? Know all of that which you are so you be robust in varied situations that require you to be agile and nimble in posture.

2… Your intention – be clear on why you are you choosing to act in particular way. Get clear on how your healthy aggression will give what you need AND enhance the lives of others.

3… Doing the work – you’ve got to go deep in to you. You have to know your edges. You must challenge yourself and nowhere your fault points are. Doing the work means being willing to explore the uncertainty and the discomfort that resides within you.

Ultimately, the channeling of this healthy power will add another tool to your tool belt of life.

One is glad to be of service.


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author


Relational Alchemist, Speaker & Author



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