Wanderlust Adventures is an opportunity for you to grow beyond measure. To immerse yourself in an experience that is life transformative. With this in mind the deep teachings you will be exposed to can be revelatory and enriching. Take your mind, body and soul to new heights with these specialised immersion and growth adventures.

Wanderlust Adventures is an opportunity for you to grow beyond measure. To immerse yourself in an experience that is life transformative. With this in mind the deep teachings you will be exposed to can be revelatory and enriching. Take your mind, body and soul to new heights with these specialised immersion and growth adventures.

Explore the world – explore yourself

Many of us are familiar with immersion retreats and the profound and long lasting, sustainable impact they can have on our lives if executed in alignment. Well, Wanderlust Adventures does just that and provides you with a deep dive in to self, removing you from your everyday sociocultural and physical setting, placing you in inspirational and grounding environments whilst exposing you to profound teaching around human potential, understanding self and evolving your relationship to you and the outside world.

Each adventure retreat differs but be rest assured our primary focus is to evolve and expose the self to wonder, excitement, awe and discovery of our potential whilst then providing you with the tools to live that potential and engage in peak states of expression after your deep dive is completed.

You will have access to world-class facilitators and expertise and all of our adventures focus on the whole and connectedness of our being – a truly powerful experience leaving you wanting more. Be warned, transformation is inevitable both inward and outward after these adventure deep dives in to self, so be prepared to live life quite differently.

Wanderlust Adventures is a deeply immersive experience that promotes growth and freedom within the individual. I want to break down the concepts of immersion, freedom and growth for you – elaborate on the connection of these integrated concepts and then via these explanations you will understand why this program (holistically) actually differs from others.


We can understand immersion to be highly focused, acutely concentrated deep mental involvement in an activity, concept or experience. The benefits of partaking in immersion allow us to fast track our learning and truly involve ourselves in to the chasms of who we are, further allowing us to recognise and connect to the alchemical pool of infinitesimal possibilities.



We can understand immersion to be highly focused, acutely concentrated deep mental involvement in an activity, concept or experience. The benefits of partaking in immersion allow us to fast track our learning and truly involve ourselves in to the chasms of who we are, further allowing us to recognise and connect to the alchemical pool of infinitesimal possibilities.



Placing ourselves in an environment that differs from our habitual routine is powerful in and of itself. Here, you are encouraged to express the depth of who you are, your animate environment supports and facilitates this expression. When we feel free, we are devoid of constriction and tension; when we perceive freedom we step in to courage, and it is here that the magic unfolds and we have an opportunity to experience the best version of ourselves.sibilities.



Placing ourselves in an environment that differs from our habitual routine is powerful in and of itself. Here, you are encouraged to express the depth of who you are, your animate environment supports and facilitates this expression. When we feel free, we are devoid of constriction and tension; when we perceive freedom we step in to courage, and it is here that the magic unfolds and we have an opportunity to experience the best version of ourselves.sibilities.



We are only able to grow when we believe in ourselves and when we own the fullness of who we are. Growth is recognising our fears, embracing them and choosing courageous action to better our lives. True growth not only grants permission to who we are to grow and break old useless habits, but it also grants permission to others around us to grow.

This can often be a painful and confronting journey, but you will be supported, nurtured and guided – the path of the warrior and the hero is often scattered with challenge and confrontation and it is here where value for life is derived!

Now, when we combine these elements with deep exposure to learning and teaching that is life changing, adventurous, fun and the opportunity to be the real you we have a powerful cocktail for expressing peak states of performance and here, profound realisations take place that literally can last a life time.


We are only able to grow when we believe in ourselves and when we own the fullness of who we are. Growth is recognising our fears, embracing them and choosing courageous action to better our lives. True growth not only grants permission to who we are to grow and break old useless habits, but it also grants permission to others around us to grow.

This can often be a painful and confronting journey, but you will be supported, nurtured and guided – the path of the warrior and the hero is often scattered with challenge and confrontation and it is here where value for life is derived!

Now, when we combine these elements with deep exposure to learning and teaching that is life changing, adventurous, fun and the opportunity to be the real you we have a powerful cocktail for expressing peak states of performance and here, profound realisations take place that literally can last a life time.

What will you learn on this adventure?

  • Parts of self you never knew existed
  • How to be resilient
  • How to cope in challenging circumstances
  • You will learn your limits and expand these
  • You will test your resolve
  • You will expand your mindset
  • You will learn how to function efficiently under pressure
  • Fun is a priority. You will discover the art of adding value to your soul
  • Cooperation and reliance
  • Challenge your limiting beliefs and create new and empowering beliefs
  • Master your purpose, your life’s path and your vision
  • Create a powerful platform for sustainable adaptability and growth

Who is this for?

 The adventurer
The explorer
Those willing to explore the boundaries and fears
Those who are willing to fast track their growth
Those who are wanting to push through pain points
Those who are wishing to connect with other like minded people
Those who are ready for massive inner growth
Those wishing to learn to improve communication with their loved ones
Those wanting to believe in themselves a great deal more
Anyone with a willing mind and heart
Those who wish to integrate mind and movement
Those wanting to master all areas of life

Who is this NOT for?

⨯ Those who cannot travel
⨯ Those who do not like nor appreciate nature or the elements
⨯ Those not interested in challenging their belief systems and thought paradigms
⨯ Those not willing to live in close quarters with a small group of individuals
⨯ Those not willing to challenge themselves physically, mentally and emotionally

Frequently Asked Questions

Are these experiences dangerous?

No, safety is our priority, but be prepared to be challenged. Qualified experts in the relative fields will always be present.

Where are they held?

All over the world and stay up to date with immersive experiences via the calendar.

Who are these experiences for?

The demographic will vary depending on the immersion experience.

What are the conditions?

Numbers are generally limited and all relevant information is provided on a per event basis.

Can I attend more than one immersion experience?

Absolutely, we encourage it as each experience is different and designed to challenge a different aspect of you.

Ready for the adventure of a lifetime?