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This Month's Theme:

Accessing Prosperity and Abundance

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 | 6:30-9:30 PM CDT 



Breathwork is a term for various breathing practices in which the conscious control of breathing can influence and support your mental, emotional, and physical state in order to heal from past experiences and traumas. With conscious breathwork, you often experience a form of awakening that allows you to reach a higher state of consciousness.


Yes, 100%. The modalities of breathwork that we will be exploring and guiding you through are safe. Women will have a number of female space holders in person. Everybody breathes, most of the time without ever thinking about it. This process makes you conscious about your breath and unlocks new opportunities for inner peace and growth.


Yes, you’re absolutely in control throughout the entire process, and facilitators will provide techniques to help you regain balance and regulation in your nervous system and mind. This balance will serve you to tap into areas of your life that you’ve suppressed. And when we achieve that, you’ll not only begin to feel better, but transformation will occur.

Join us live for unscripted coaching, processing, and releasing in a guided session to elevate your consciousness, evolve your dating and relationships, and release your past.


About This Event

These carefully curated events are a ladies-only experience to come together and release fear, pain, resentment, confusion, doubt, and struggle. An opportunity to be led by the masculine in a safe, opening and empowering way.

Stefanos holds a safe container and space for women to be themselves, express fully, unload their burdens, and be seen without shame and judgment.

The intention of these breath work containers combined with live coaching and integration is to support women in seeing men differently and releasing their past pain and challenging attachments to experiences with men and the masculine, including the relationship to the father. To provide a new view of the masculine and of self. To support the feminine to be wild, free, expressive, sad, angry, and all that in between.

There is no wrong here and “all of you are welcome.” So many women have been hurt in the past by men and by the collective masculine. You are here as a woman to be taken through an empowering

journey and a resurrecting of sorts. We heal together by doing the work together.

Each month carries a different theme that allows us to connect in profound ways. The practices for each event are specifically designed to support you in addressing the theme for the month. 

Our immersive is about breaking these paradigms and setting ourselves free. Also note that we follow a familiar structure monthly that is conducive to deeper receiving, connection, and healing. However, the intimacy practices and experiential practices change to align with our themes and the energy of the group.  So, it truly is a different and unique experience month to month.

Know that when you attend this experience you are breaking generational patterns and also healing on behalf of the collective feminine. Yes, we are here to heal masculine wounds, but hundreds of women in an intentional space doing deep deliberate work is also healing that sister and mother wound. Thank you for your service.


Too many women don’t have a safe space to just be. I wanted to create a space for women around the world, no matter where they are from and what language they speak, to come and heal, breathe, and move together. To truly drop the protective guards and facilitate deeper healing as a united collective in a space that is accessible to all. That is why this event is Pay what you can.

It is my dream that no matter where you are from, you can access this work.

It is my prayer that we can heal in safety and support women in loving themselves and trusting men, life, and their choices.




Breathwork for the Feminine is a combination of LIVE coaching, somatic breathwork, and integration.

Live Coaching

This immersive experience kicks opens with some light coaching, Q and A, and sharing in order to bring what’s stuck, hidden, or needs to be healed to light.

Live coaching and sharing establishes the container, creates connection, and provides a space for you to be heard, understood, and share what’s on your heart.


The triad of this experience is breath, sound, and movement. Breathwork is the somatic modality used during this event to facilitate healing and reveal past and current psychological, spiritual, relational, and emotional pain and fear.

Support and intervention is offered while you’re in your experience from Stefanos as well as our co-facilitators. You have the option to welcome this or to just be in your own experience.


The triad of this experience is breath, sound, and movement. Breathwork is the somatic modality used during this event to facilitate healing and reveal past and current psychological, spiritual, relational, and emotional pain and fear.

Support and intervention is offered while you’re in your experience from Stefanos as well as our co-facilitators. You have the option to welcome this or to just be in your own experience.


After you move through the breathwork portion of the event, Stefanos opens the space for integration, LIVE coaching, and Q and A. You’ll have the opportunity to connect with other women and share your experience and journal about anything that came up for you in order to create a deeper understanding.



Stefanos was first exposed to breath work many years ago during a period of his life where he was facing immense difficulties, including the ideation and prospect of suicide. Breath work was one of those modalities that contributed to saving, restoring and giving new context to his life. Followed by many other deep life and personal growth oriented experiences, Stefanos went on to study the power of breath and facilitation more extensively. Stefanos provides a rich history in trauma informed healing, psychology, Behavioral Science, somatic’s, relationship depth and masculine/feminine dynamics.

He has an ability to cut through clutter and confusion and get to the root of pain, fear or non-serving patterns. He holds a non-judgmental space that integrates somatic therapy, masculine intuition, developmental psychology, inner-child exploration and transformational coaching to create a safe space for expression. “I am not here to heal anyone. I am here to be a guide and safe space for your own internal exploration along your own journey. All you need can be found within you. I will help shine that light, so that you may see your fullness once again”. Stefanos lives in Austin, Texas with his beautiful wife Christine Hassler and their precious daughter Athena Grace Sifandos.

What You Will Learn:

  • Deep and personal insights from a man in an empowered relationship
  • How to truly let go of the past, recognize, and heal the patterns holding you back
  • How to stop attracting unhealthy and non-committal relationships
  • How to elevate your self-worth. (Hint: it has nothing to do with him)
  • The key to magnetic intimacy and what men really desire
  • The true meaning of sacred Union and why it matters
  • How to gain insight into the minds of men
  • How to feel safe in your body
  • Deep exercises to create connection, true hope, trust, and clarity
  • A new way to see yourself, men, and relationships
  • Insight into your own patterns and pain
  • What true sisterhood and connection looks like


“Stef is a gifted human being who has been blessed with the genuine ability to see and heal. I am so thankful for his guidance, love and support, but mostly for his depth of understanding that defies and challenges the conventional. I think that’s the very reason why it works – because life just isn’t like that.”


“I just moved back to the city and am finally a working RN. You helped me so much when I was in such a rough place and I am constantly in awe of where I am now and how much that helped me to grow. I am grateful for the part you played in my transformation.”


“Stefanos has the ability to truly go deep into helping me understand men, and the masculine mind and to help me understand what men are aligned with me and my values. The insight provided into masculine and feminine states really helped me see who I was and learn deeper how to attract healthy men.”


“Your example of healthy masculinity allowed me to explore my belief system around what it is to be a woman, to be a woman in a relationship with men and to trust a man for the first time ever. Thank you for this Stef! I am overjoyed by the peace I have experienced from doing this work with you.”


You’ll experience powerful breakthroughs with other like-minded & heart-centered women.

“It is my honor to serve you as fully as I can. Excited for you to be part of this movement”.

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